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LB – “I donated to Tabby’s Place in Ringoes. My daughter goes there every Saturday to volunteer and loves working with all the adorable kitties. It’s such a great place that does such good things for a lot of special needs cats.”
JH – “I am using the Pay It Forward money to donate to my new church in North Carolina.”
KW – “I paid it forward to a single mother with two children, who works very hard to keep a roof over her head. Through no fault of her own she lost two shifts of work right before Christmas and did not get them back so she was struggling to pay all of her bills.”
KW – “$50 Donation – Philadelphia Corporation for Aging.”
DH – “I’m going to give my $50, plus an additional $50, to Truth Home for Women. It is an organization in the Lehigh Valley (Pennsylvania) that assists victims of the sex trade to escape the “industry”.”
JK – “I provided the funds to a young man supporting himself and living on his own without proper heating. He purchased the thermostat he needed and replaced it that night.”
RL – “I donated the money to Heifer International (which matched the donation) the money was used to provide two families with a Basket of Hope. The Basket of Hope includes a gift of rabbits and a starter flock of chickens. Families also receive training and education in the animals’ care to make sure their hope becomes a reality. Rabbits are easy to care for and can reproduce in a short amount of time. Chickens lay eggs and provide manure for vegetable gardens. Your livestock donation provides hope for struggling farmers looking for a way out of poverty.
The core of their model is “Passing on the Gift”. This means families share the training they receive, and pass on the first female offspring of their livestock to another family. This extends the impact of the original gift, allowing a once impoverished family to become donors and full participants in improving their communities.”
CG – “I took a tray of cookies to the Senior Day Care my parents attend while I’m at work. I also took a tray of cookies to the Veterans Hospital in Philly when I picked up my Dad from respite care and gave the cookies to the staff. On the way over I went through the cash toll booth and gave them $20 telling the toll collector to pay for the next 4 people and wish them a Merry Christmas. She was so surprised!!”
RW – “I put it towards a single mom with two kids’ layaway at Toys R Us.”
VK – “I gave a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project.”
HC – “I gave my “Pay It Forward” gift to the Agape House, located in Somerville, NJ. Agape House is an emergency shelter that provides services to homeless families and single women.”
TF – “I donated $50 to G’s Adoption Registry on their Go Fund Me page. This free service supported me in my search efforts over the past 20 years and at last, I was reunited with my birth siblings earlier this year. Their volunteers are called “angels” and that is truly what they are.”
PC – “I matched the $50 and sent it to For Pete’s Sake. It is an organization that was established to give adults suffering from life threatening diseases an opportunity to take a break. Patients are given the opportunity to take a respite vacation to various locations for a week. I have been supporting this charity, operating out of Plymouth Meeting, PA, for several years and appreciate the chance to pay it forward once again.”
FV – “I gave the $50 cash donation to the “Somerset Regional Animal Shelter” in Bridgewater, NJ.”
MG – “I matched the $50.00 gift and gave it to a charity that my family collected for during the holidays in Michigan. It’s called the “Joy of Giving.” Instead of buying gifts for the adults we pitched in money to “Our Children’s Fund.”
JP – “I donated it to the American Cancer Society in memory of my dad.”
AL – “I am now an advocate for Boro Safe. Depression and anxiety is running fast and furious amongst the adolescent community and parents need resources to guide them through it. Hillsborough Township Public Schools actively educates students about suicide in an age-appropriate manner, but the issue is broader than our schools. BoroSAFE’s (Suicide Awareness for Everyone) goal is to raise community awareness that suicide is preventable and resources are available.”
SB – “I used my Pay It Forward to pay the adoption fee for the pet who was at the Lahaska SPCA the longest. She was a five year old cat named Jessy. She was officially adopted January 26th, and I was told that her new owner continued to pay it forward and paid for another adoption at the facility!”
TB – “I bought bags of puppy food and collars for Red Rock Rescue which is where I adopted my dog, Carson. The woman does it out of her house and takes in all kinds of dogs and puppies. She recently took in 7 puppies that are too young to adopt yet so she was desperate for some puppy food!”
KC – “I donated the Pay it Forward to The Seeing Eye.”
SB – “I donated it to a wonderful organization called Association for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (AADD). Social interaction is at the heart of the human experience. Their goal is to educate and enrich the lives of members by giving them a place to meet and make new friends.”
KG – “I donated the money to the “Second Annual Andrew Grennan Basketball Tournament” in remembrance of Andrew Grennan. Last year the tournament raised over $2,000 and had over 200 attendees. Andrew played sports with my son in high school and all the boys from the team decided to hold a basketball tournament last year to raise money to pay for a memorial stone at the basketball court near his home. The tournament was such a success and the boys had such a great time, that they have made it an “Annual” event. They will donate the money raised in the tournament to a local charity each year.”
SW – “I gave my gift to a very special friend whose daughter could use the money to buy her children some Christmas gifts. The family is very dear and special to me.”
GM – “We matched it and gave it to the Mennonite Disaster Relief Program, which is helping the flood and fire victims.”
MM – “My “Pay It Forward” is going to be given to “Angels of Assisi” a no kill animal shelter that my recently deceased daughter founded in Roanoke, VA.”
AN – “I will be donating it to St. Jude.”
JB – “I was so excited to get the money to “pay it forward”!! I do some volunteering work for Logan’s Heroes Animal Rescue. So, I donated that money to Logan’s Heroes Animal Rescue and their cause. It felt like I was a millionaire!!”
DC – “I donated my $50 to a family whose home was damaged by fire.”